


Hi [first name],

Daisy from XXX公司名.It is nice to meet you on Facebook. I admire you unique career experience. Please give me the opportunity to connect with you and I learn more from you.
Thank you.
Kind regards


Hi [first name],

Facebook showed me your profile which reminded me a lot of the great experience I had working with you on xxx project.How are you doing at XXX(目前的公司名)?I hope everything is great and oneday we can continue to support each other in the coming future if possible.
Thank you.
Kind regards


Hey [first name], 

growing my network with [your industry] leaders.At our home base here in [your city], we’ve found incredible creative and profitable opportunities in [your industry niche].I’d love to connect and share our learnings! 
– [your name]


Hey [first name], 

I noticed you are a [your ndustry] leader and wanted to reach out.Always looking to connect with pioneers in the [your industry] space.Looking forward to learning from one another. 
– [your name].


Hey [first name]!

Found you in the [Facebook group] group. As a forerunner in [your industry], I’m dedicated to flipping this industry on its head and exposing the lack of quality major products have.
Let’s connect. – [your name]


Hi [first name],

Your experience with <Prior Position> stood out to me when I came across your profile. I work for XXX and we’re looking for someone with your experience to test out <New Product>. Your experience gives you a unique perspective, and we could use your feedback. 
If you’re interested, I’d love to hear from you!


Hi [first name], 

Chloe here from China, it is really great to know you that ****share your  post on topic on Your writing was brilliant. 
I would love to be your fans on Facebook.


Hi [first name], 

I came across your profile on Facebook and noticed that you have worked in home textile industry for many years and had quite a unique career.
Please give me the opportunity to connect with you and learn more from you.


Hi [first name], 

Came across your profile here on Facebook and would love to connect.
I am a Bluetooth headset product expert, and l’ve spent 5 years in this field.
Pls accept this invitation, maybe one day we can work together and make your business more profitable.
Thanks in advance.


Hi [first name], 

This is Sunny, CEO of 公司名字, I’d like to be your fan on Facebook,I have over 20 years’ experience in XXXX Industry, any questions, I’m happy to help.
Hope I can be your friend here.
Either way, keep up your awesome work on Facebook.


Dear [first name],

This is ***, I am very glad to know you on Facebook. 

And I hope to be connected with you and talk  more about ** (一定要是对方能感兴趣的points) in further days together.
Best regards,



Hi [first name],

Facebook showed me your profile multiple times now, so I checked what you do.
I really like your work and as we are both in the creative industry – I thought I’ll reach out. 
It’s always great to be connected with like-minded individuals, isn’t it?


Hi [first name], 

Good afternoon/morning/day.

This is ** from China. I am also in ** industry, and I have some questions need your help. 

Could you pls kindly accept my invitation? Thanks in advance.

Best regards


Hi [first name], 

saw your profile (“People Also Viewed”) while viewing one of our mutual connections.
Was hoping we could connect here on Facebook, too. I’ll work hard to post valuable posts & articles. 
And, I look forward to yours.
Thanks for considering the connection request.
Take care,Joey


Hello [first name], 
Chloe here from China as &&&**** manager for morea than 10 years in this field. Love your style & Product design,That would be great to be your connection here .hopefully we can work together and make your business more profitable. 
Thanks for your time




1.Thank you for accepting my Connection Request.
2.Thanks for accepting my invitation. I am delighted to connect with you.
3.Thanks for connecting, it’s great to have you now in my network.
4.Thank you for accepting my invitation to connect. I look forward to sharing insights and experiences on Facebook.
5.Thank you for adding me. I’m looking forward to getting to chat more about business.



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