
客户:HiYes the samples have arrived and I have them by my desk, but not opened it as yet as I have so much other priority tasks to do first.ThanksTom你好,是的,样品已经送到了,我现在就在我的桌子旁边,但还没有打开,因为我有很多其他优先任务要先处理。谢谢,Tom

应对话术:Dear Tom,Thanks for the feedback.Fully understand very well like the recent Christmas and the 2023 year-end summary meeting etc., will be very, very busy. Please enjoy your busy schedule with company and family matters first.When you have time, you can take a look at the samples is definitely ok. Perhaps in three weeks or four weeks, our samples will be of very good quality no matter how long you wait. Makayla is very confident in this.Take care~~Makayla
亲爱的Tom,感谢你的反馈。我完全理解,就像最近的圣诞节和2023年年终总结会议一样,你一定非常非常忙。请先享受你与公司和家庭事务相关的繁忙日程吧。当你有时间的时候,可以看看那些样品,绝对没问题的。也许在三周或四周之后,我们的样品无论你等待多久都会保持非常好的质量。Makayla 对此非常有信心。保重啦~~
客户:Dear Makayla,we did a first check regarding the weight, and they seem to be ok.We just ordered a container, and we are close to Xmas.I will come back to you in February if ok for you !
应对话术:Dear Pablo,The sales lady brings you the warmest wishes.Understand very well that everyone is very busy at this critical moment. Makayla have several VIP clients who placed orders at the end of November and told me Makayla not to disturb me in December. I want to prepare well for Christmas and summarize the work at the end of the year. So fully understand your situation very well.It’s completely okay. You spend all your time busy with your own affairs. When the spring flowers bloom in February, we can happily discuss this matter~Wishing you a Merry Christmas in advanceSincere wishes, Makayla
亲爱的Pablo,Lady Makayla向你送上最热情的祝福。非常理解此刻大家都非常忙碌。Makayla有几位重要客户在十一月底下订单,并告诉我不要在十二月打扰他们。我想要好好准备圣诞节,并总结年底的工作,所以非常了解你现在的情况。完全没问题,你尽管忙着处理自己的事务吧,等到二月春花盛开时,我们可以愉快地讨论这个问题~提前祝你圣诞快乐!诚挚的祝愿
Makayla:Dear Grant,Makayla, here, send the warmest wishesDear, just now Makayla called you but couldn’t connect. Guess you should be very busy, so I’m writing you.Yesterday, I received your email. The first email mentioned the need for nitrile glove samples, and the second email also stated error please ignore this email. So Makayla guesses that you must have some questions and worries, so she would like to call you to see whether further assist you. Dear look forward to your direct communication with Makayla and your trust in me.Price is definitely a very important factor, dear. There is no doubt about it, and secondly, quality is also crucial. Therefore, Makayla is thinking that if you can personally see and test Makayla’s samples, and only you are satisfied, we can further discuss the price. The price can be negotiated on the premise that you are satisfied with the quality.  How do you think dear?Looking forward to hearing your thoughts directly with Makayla, dearThe most beautiful picture for the most beautiful person
武林秘籍:PUA客户第一步是观点灌输,只有看到我们的产品才能知道质量,价格再低,最后样品跟垃圾一样,亲,你想想,你前提投入的时间和精力不就浪费了嘛,是不啦,先看到质量再谈价格嘛,不要着急嘛 亲~~
客户:Hello Makayla,Yes you are correct that we need excellent quality gloves at a competitive price.Probably best to see some samples before discussing further regarding price.Trugrade works on a first price – best price policy basis.We do not like price increases and like to lock-in with quality, reliable suppliers that are consistently good value relative to the market.Thank you.
你好,Makayla,是的,你说得对,我们需要质量优秀、价格具有竞争力的手套。在进一步讨论价格之前,最好先看一些样品。Trugrade 坚持先报价 – 最佳价格的原则。我们不喜欢价格上涨,而且喜欢与质量可靠、始终相对市场有竞争力的供应商建立长期合作关系。谢谢!CPU成功上钩啦:客户同意质量也重要嘛,在讨论价格前,先看看样品~~
Hi Grant,Makayla sends you the warmest wishes.Dear, regarding the quality, you can fully assure that. Pretty sure you will be delighted to see our quality. Our gloves have been sold in the market for many years and have been validated by the market and customers. Regarding price, as mentioned in the previous email, Makayla will provide you with the greatest support. Our business philosophy is to target customers and provide comprehensive support, which is why we have so many stable customers in Europe and even Australia.There are many cases of price locking for long-term cooperation. Generally, customers will provide us with the purchase quantity for half a year, and we will discuss a reasonable price locking for half a year together. If possible, may I know your estimated procurement volume for six months?Regarding the samples, Makayla is very willing to arrange for you for any quality checking. Could you provide your DHL account and mailing address for easy mailing?Share the most beautiful pictures with the most handsome person – Grant
Makayla 送上最诚挚的祝福。
亲,关于质量,你可以完全放心。我非常确定你会对我们的质量感到满意。我们的手套在市场上已经销售多年,并得到了市场和客户的认可。关于价格,如前面的邮件中所提到的,Makayla 将为你提供最大的支持。我们的商业理念是针对客户,提供全面支持,这就是为什么我们在欧洲甚至澳大利亚有这么多稳定的客户。
关于样品,Makayla 非常愿意为你安排任何质量检查。你能提供你的DHL帐户和邮寄地址方便邮寄吗?
客户:Hello Makayla,Please send your glove samples via our Fedex/TNT account # 95XXXX6 to me at my Perth address in email signature below.Thank you.
你好,Makayla,请通过我们的FedEx/TNT帐号 # 95XXXX6,发送你的手套样品到我在下面电子邮件签名中的配送地址。谢谢。
Makayla:Hi Grant,Makayla here with warm greetingsGood news sharing. The sample has been mailed to you today and the sample waybill number is 7743 XXX874 for you to track.In addition, the details of the samples are as follows for your reference. For products that are out of stock, we will send you confirmation of the pre-production samples before producing the bulk order. What do you think dear?Looking forward to your feedback on the samples.Share the most beautiful pictures with the most wonderful people
嗨,Grant,这里是Makayla,送上最温暖的问候分享一则好消息。样品今天已经寄出给你,寄样品的运单号是7743 XXX874,你可以用它来追踪包裹。另外,以下是样品的详细信息供你参考。对于缺货的产品,在生产大宗订单之前,我们会向你发送预生产样品的确认。亲,你觉得怎么样?期待听到你对样品的反馈。将最美丽的图片分享给最美好的你。
客户:Thank you Makayla.The PF samples should give us a pretty idea of your glove quality.We look forward to receiving them.Thank you.



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